Generating Media

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Advantages of Aerial & Video Content in Real Estate

Advantages of Aerial & Video Content in Real Estate

Potential short term renters or buyers struggle to get a more realistic idea of what a property looks like from traditional photographs. It is hard to figure out the floor plan, the neighborhood, the layout, and the key features by simply reviewing stagnate photographs at set angles.

Generating Media decided well over ten years ago to publish the complete menu of content that included standard high-resolution interior, exterior, and aerial photographs and videos. We did not stop there as we also included graphics, voice-over, and spokespersons to the videos in an effort to make it as realistic as possible.

There are some great photographers in the marketplace today, but there is only a small percentage that can provide the full service of publishing photographs and videos at our level and price points. We can offer a customized solution to fit any marketing budget with high-quality results with amazing turnarounds.

Let’s take a look at an example of a property that we represent in St. Barts called Villa Belle Bague. It is a four-bedroom classic red-roofed St. Barts villa.

Villa Belle Bague St. Barts

This photograph provides a very engaging image with the sparkling clear pool water, large outdoor terrace, stairs leading up to a number of various buildings. With the contrast of the red roof and bright blue sky provides an emotional connection of the viewer imagining what it would be like to be there. The photograph has done it’s job of getting the viewer to have a certain level of interest. However, the potential renter needs far more information to take it further along the discovery process of making an informed decision.

We realize we had to be realistic as clients today would much rather be informed through visual information rather than read in order to capture more information.

Villa Belle Bague St. Barts with rooms and space identified.

Real Estate Drone Photography

With the help of our drones, we took a series of aerial shots that provide far more detail about the property and neighborhood. Once again, we did not stop there as we added text to identify the rooms and spaces so the viewer could have a far more realistic understanding of the property. The viewer can now see where the bedrooms are located and the level of privacy. A four-bedroom villa will accommodate eight guests. The guests will need to know if there is enough space for all of them but also are there spaces for individuals or couples to have some privacy. The aerial photograph can quite easily answer that question.

All four bedrooms were designed with parity in mind.

Real Estate Floor Plans

We also understand clients like to review actual floor plans that can show the flow of the property as well as the size of the interior and exterior spaces. To address this we also included a floor plan below.

Over the past twenty years, we’ve been publishing videos of all flavors. This includes promotional, walk-through, and short social media clips. The promotional videos are designed to display the property and its keys features. Our walkthrough videos are just that…designed to give the viewer a realistic view of the property as if they were there doing an inspection. They vary in length depending on the size of the property and how the video will be used. The videos that are longer provide in-depth content. The option of the walk-through videos includes simple footage, footage with voice over and graphics, and footage with actual spokesperson along with graphics. The videos that include an actual spokesperson make the video far more personable as well as hold the audience longer.

Using Social Media for Real Estate

The short social media clips are various lengths depending on the restrictions of the platform. They can also be used for email blasts and newsletters. It is important to understand we can publish some amazing photographs and videos, but more importantly, it is where and how this content is published. Our goal is to become an extension of the efforts of our clients’ marketing and promotional efforts.

At Generating Media we package our content so our clients can easily pass it on. We don’t look to publish ordinary content, but rather extraordinary. Remarkable things are defined as unusual, extraordinary, or worth paying attention to at all levels.

Contact us for an individual plan that works best for you and your budget