Generating Media

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Emotional Driven Photographs

At Generating Media we try to publish photographs and videos that tell a story and advertise themselves. We want our content to leave a residue in the minds of the viewers so it may be passed on. People don’t just share information they tell stories. Therefore, we want our content to be embedded in the viewers minds so they will want to tell and share a great story.

People often tell stories as it helps define how they look to others. Photographs and videos that focus on feelings will always motivate the viewer to take some type of action. Below are just a few examples of our photographs of individuals that all display different types of emotions. Our ongoing challenge is to direct our camera lens to the subject that represents the core message and reason the photograph is being taken.

Before we begin any photo and video shoot it’s imperative to know how we want the viewer to feel after seeing the photograph or video. If we get it right it will drive the “call to action” we’re looking for to be on target.