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Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room Lynn, MA

Sarah Marshall, owner of Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room - Shares her story

Victor Hugo once said, “There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” It was a clear indication, that Sarah Marshall was ready to start her own business. Her mother had watched her explore a number of adventures and knew it was high time for her to take the quantum leap. It was going to be a healthy change in her life, a major shift, as her current situation was not cutting it anymore.

This moment in time just did not happen overnight. Sarah grew up in an environment that encourage risk taking, but not reckless. Her family life was filled with building her confidence. Without a doubt, this life changing event did not come without a long list of challenges. Lots of decisions had to be made along with being patient with the logistics of opening a shop that was selling liquor.

Sarah knew she did not have all the answers and was going to need lots of guidance and help. The entire city of Lynn opened up their arms to try and support her vision. Lots of credit must go to the Mayor of Lynn, Director of The Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce, Director of Economic Development, and the Express Grant Program.

Sarah Marshall represents an excellent example of how an individual had a vision, but also knew her limitations. She became aware of the available resources and established relationships with many to help her reach her goals.