Generating Media

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Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

An expectation is really nothing more than a hope of what you might desire out of a situation. We all find ourselves with certain implicit expectations. Sometimes these expectations are not based on reality. They’re are often picked up from some type of media publication or from the “grapevine”.

The difference between an expectation and reality is an expectation comes from an imaginary map in our minds. More often than we might care to recognize, is the media looks to shape and influence our expectations with deceiving content.

At Generating Media, we look to focus on transparent content that helps to provide a realistic and honest approach to human wants, wishes, and desires. We try to make content that is very explicit. Our content is designed to be clear in order for the reader to trust our information as accurate. We have no hidden agendas. Without question, we publish photographs and videos to try and make an emotional connection with our viewers as we have but a few seconds to capture their attention. If we can publish content that is effective the result will be positive for the viewer to continue exploring our content and direct their call to action.