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Marblehead, MA Number of Automobile Accidents 2010 - 2022

Marblehead, MA. Number of Automobile Accidents 2010 - 2022

Every time you turn on the news or read a newspaper it seems like a day can not go by without an automobile accident. Well, this is right on target for the seaport town of Marblehead, MA. In 2022 there were 364 reported accidents, which averages out to exactly 1 accident per day.

Interesting facts about the number of accidents from 2010 to 2022

  1. Total number of accidents: 3,655

  2. Average number of accidents per year: 281

  3. Minimum number of accidents: 214 (2012) or -23.8% below average

  4. Maximum number of accidents: 364 (2022) or 29.5% above average

It is evident why there has been a significant surge in this issue - individuals are engaging in reckless behaviors such as speeding, using their phones while driving, displaying a lack of attentiveness, and demonstrating a general disregard for responsible driving. Despite the fact that the speed limit on most streets in town is set at 25 mph, the implementation of electronic signs by the police in an attempt to curb speeding seems to have little effect. Even as we observe these electronic signs flashing warnings to drivers about their excessive speed, it does not appear to have any noticeable impact on their driving habits. It is only when local law enforcement takes a firm stance against speeding by issuing tickets that drivers will begin to take notice and adjust their behavior accordingly.