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Peach's Point, Marblehead, MA

Prior to the 1870s, Francis B. Crowninshield invested much of his family fortune in Salem. MA. However, in 1871 he purchased most of Peach’s Point in Marblehead for $9,500. It is here that he built a summer cottage. His son Benjamin bought almost the entire remaining land in 1875 for $21,000. The family was determined to own it all.

Peach’s Point , Marblehead, MA

Samuel Rindge was able to purchase a section in 1880.

It is rare to find a property here that goes on the market. It validates the real estate term “location, location, & location”. These properties have outstanding ocean views, but are also subject to the harsh northeast storms that can crush the shoreline in a heartbeat. The most unfortunate aspect of Marblehead Harbor is it faces the north-east. This leaves the harbor extremely vulnerable to the nasty “North-Easters”.

Over the years dozens of boats have ended up on the rocks. They were totally destroyed as the high winds and waves powered their way through the harbor. The Marblehead Harbor Master now requires strict rules that involve the type of mooring block, chains, etc. Plus he is a constantly juggling to keep the boats properly spaced for swing room.