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Planning Ahead Will Pay Off

Far more frequently than not we will be requested to photograph and video the location of the property as soon as possible. Generally speaking, it is most likely one of the last things on the tasks list to get a property listed on the real estate market. The property owners and real estate agents are anxious to get the photographs, videos, and descriptions posted on their agency websites and real estates distribution platforms such as and

Often we’re at the mercy of the weather and time of year. It is really pure luck if we get a time slot when the sun is shining, the grass is green, the flowers are out, and the skies are blue. Our advice to all property owners is once the idea has gotten into their heads they are considering putting their home on the market to schedule the photograph and video shoot with as much notice as possible. Ideally, it would powerful to display the property during all the seasons.

The above aerial photograph taken on Marblehead Neck jumps out at the viewer with the contrasting green grass and blue ocean. This represents the emotional transmission of why potential buyers would like to purchase a home here. Property owners might want to consider having a menu of aerial shots of this nature taken so in the event they need one or two the weather would not determine the outcome.