Generating Media

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Using Social Media to Promote Your Short Term Rental

Consider It An Opportunity

Getting your clients to promote your product for you with social media

People imitate those around them. They conform to what others are doing. To help resolve uncertainly, people look at what others are doing and follow that. Renting a villa is still a relatively new travel product for the vast majority of potential clients. Testimonials, referrals, word of mouth, and stories all play a big role in how clients make decisions based on other’s behavior. People are not always sure how to spend their vacations, so they look to others.

Trigger Items to inspire your clients

Observability has a huge impact on how products and services catch on. Observable things are also more likely to be discussed, purchased, and shared. The more often a current or potential client has observed the more it triggers people to take action. Seeing someone you know will promote discussion. If clients can see what others are choosing and doing, they can’t imitate them. With the power of social media, photographs, and videos things that were once unobservable can be transformed onto more observable ones.


Generating Media looks to design ideas that will advertise themselves. Every time a Generating Media Client rents a villa it transmits social proof or passive approval because it can become observable. Clients posting their opinions and behavior online provide a behavioral residue. Reviews, blogs, posts all leave evidence others can find later.

Ways to get your clients to promote your product on their social media

We suggest our clients have motivating activities for their guests to post on social media. In the welcome packet, have challenges and provide awards for them. Make a photo scavenger hunt around the property and the location and provide them with a specific hashtag to use so you can keep track of the process. Ask their permission to share the photos with the property social media account. If they complete the scavenger hunt, they will get a small token or gift card to a local restaurant. It’s a great way to get them to promote your property to others.

Have you found a strong call to action for your clients? Let us know about it in the comments.