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Virgin Gorda Solution

Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Island

There is a fabulous island in the British Virgin Islands called Virgin Gorda. It covers an area of about 8 square miles. It is best known for a unique geologic formation known as “The Baths” located at the southern end of the island.

One of our favorite harbors lies at the northeast end of the island. It has four islands and a reef surrounding it. This creates an amazing watersport center. Charter sailboats cluster around the safe harbor and use the services available at the Bitter End Yacht Club. Over the years, we have chartered sailboats in the Caribbean. The first place we head to is Virgin Gorda.

Nail Bay in Virgin Gorda

During one of our business trips to Virgin Gorda, we were contracted to review the development of an area called Nail Bay. Nail Bay includes 148-acre development with villas of a variety of styles and price points. The developer wanted us to review the private villas that were available for rent and provide him with a complete report. This included what each owner could do to make their villa more marketable in the short term rental inventory. We also did a review of the operation including distribution channels, pricing, and the property management program.

While going through the inspection process, the developer asks us if we would also speak to an owner that was considering entering his villa into the Nail Bay short term rental program. People often dream of owning property in the Caribbean. They generally have no clear understanding of the challenge of owning a property in the Caribbean that is subject to the harsh conditions of the salt air, strong winds, and non-forgiving sun. Furnishings, appliances, and infrastructure take a beating and last about a third as long as under normal conditions. Utilities such as electricity and water are at a premium costs. People want to live in an air-conditioned environment and take several showers per day. This requires lots of electricity and water.

Will you use your vacation rental property?

After about one year these owners realize they’re not using the property as much as they originally planned. Daily maintenance costs continue to rise and are relentless. Now most owners are reluctant to enter their property in the villa short term rental program, but they realize they need to find the resources to help offset their operating costs.

During this particular inspection with the owners, it was exactly the case. After going through a series of questions the husband made it clear that the operating costs were far greater than he ever anticipated. As we took the tour of the property, we determined Nail Bay would be fortunate to have a property of this quality in their villa rental inventory.

When we got into the master bedroom we looked at the wife’s body language and it totally changed. She had expressed how proud she was of all the changes they had made to the property that included very nice furnishings, appliances, amenities, and artwork. However, once we set foot in the master bedroom she became quite quiet. We expressed that “vibes” we were getting was she really did not want to rent out their villa. She was curious as to why we were getting that impression. We said once we walked into the master bedroom her body language expressed concern and became tense. To cut to the chase, we said most likely she was uncomfortable with some stranger sleeping in her bed and using her personal sheets/linens. She admitted we were correct.

We totally understood and respected her emotional connection, but there was a rather simple solution. The suggestion was to purchase a second mattress for the guests to sleep on along with a different set of sheets, pillows, and linens. When she is there she could bring her personal mattress out of storage along with her other items.

She was delighted with this option. Her husband could not have been happier with this suggestion.

At Generating Media, we have heard it all. Our knowledge can save you time and money when planning on the best way to rent out your property.