Distribution - Views - Saves - Conversions

The Internet has Changed How We buy Real Estate

The real estate market today is evolving just like a majority of businesses.  The internet has changed the way consumers find and purchase products.  The days of waiting for the real estate sections to come out in the newspapers and magazines to see what is available is long gone.  

Potential buyers are now with a click of a keyboard directing their time to distribution real estate websites such as zillow.com and realtor.com.  The available inventory can be displayed for virtually any town or city.  Then sorted by a variety of options to provide content that is only relevant to the viewer.

Publish engaging content to reach more clients

Our goal at Generating Media is to be an effective extension of your promotional efforts by publishing engaging and stimulating high-resolution interior, exterior, aerial photographs and videos.  With thousands of properties on the market today content can not be published that is emotionally bankrupt.

Purchasing a home is an emotional adventure.  The potential buyers have wants, needs, and values that are often locked up in their hidden agenda.  Publishing captivating content is a great way to be the key to help unlock the potential buyer’s emotional motivation.  It’s the emotional part is what drives conversion.

There is no one photograph that will assure great results.  Rather, it’s the culmination of many photographs and videos that are published and included with the full menu of marketing and media platforms that will create positive results.  This includes the real estate distribution platforms, real estate office websites, individual real estate agent websites, youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets.

Posting content isn’t enough

Simply posting content is not enough.  Including keywords in the titles and descriptions will support search engine optimization.  Potential buyers can not make a purchase of a property they can not find.  Generating Media does not want to just produce amazing content, we want to guide you through the process and channels to effectively help you position the content so it will be seen by the target audience.

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The chart above is data that was taken from zillow.com on April 16th.  This data is a “snap-shot” in time, but does provide some useful information.  Property Owners looking to sell can now have a clear understanding of what is going on in the market place.  Managing an owners expectations is an on-going challenge.  Their focus in realistically only on two things - getting the highest price for their home and selling it in the shortest period of time.

Use Zillow to Better Understand Your Clients

Zillow helps property owners understand at what price point might be they should list their home.  Generating Media looks to publish stimulating content that drives more views to the property than the competitive properties in the inventory.  That’s not enough we look to publish engaging content that the view is turned into a save.  A save is one step closer to a conversion.

The final goal of the Generating Media content is getting help to convince property owners to list with the real estate agent because they believe that not only does the agent understand their hopes, but can make them come true.  Great promotional content is the agent’s greatest leverageable asset.

Contact us to find out just what Generating Media can do for you.