25 Spray Avenue Marblehead, MA

25 Spray Avenue Marblehead, MA

At Generating Media we encourage real estate agents to go beyond the basic facts about a property, but to try and tell it’s story. For example, the property at 25 Spray Avenue in Marblehead, MA was built in 1910 as the Spray Cliff Inn. Later in the early 2000’s the owners were able to get their hands on the original floor plans and did an amazing job of restoring it.

It is wonderful to have engaging photographs, emotionally connecting videos, well manicured landscaping, beautiful features inside and out, and of course fabulous furnishings…but add this all up with some fascinating historical information and there is a powerful story to tell.

Just to make it clear, this property is not for sale, but every time I walk by it, I wonder what it was like as Spray Cliff Inn. It really is a beautiful property with an incredible view.