Don't forget to clean your bathroom


Don’t forget to clean your bathroom!

Over the years we have visited, inspected, photographed, and videoed hundreds of bathrooms around the globe. No matter if we’re in St. Tropez, St. Barts. Costa Rica, or Marblehead, we see the same shortcomings over and over again. Some of the Property Owners looking to sell or rent seem to grasp the importance of preparing their bathrooms properly.

Potential buyers or renters can easily get turned on or off by the condition of the bathrooms. Of course, some bathrooms may be out of date or tired, but there is no reason why the bathroom should not be clean with fresh new towels, hand towels, and face cloths. We often find bathrooms cluttered with all kinds of half-used shampoo products throughout the bathroom. In some cases partially used bars of soap in the dishes.

No one wants to see your half-used soap

Our suggestions include removing all bathroom products from display. Make sure there are fresh new towels hanging evenly on the towel racks. The sinks and toilets should be sparkling clean with all rust stains removed. The mirrors should be streak-free. The bathroom lights should include the same lightbulbs. Far too often we find one light might be brighter than the other.

Potential Buyers will see everything

The showers and bathtubs should be cleaned and all possible stain removed. Stains are often the result of too much iron in the water. If there are glass doors on the shower we suggest using CLR to remove the soap scum. Any type of mildew should be removed from the walls as the result of not properly ventilating the bathroom. If there is a bathroom fan make sure it works and is quiet. If not make sure it is replaced.

Taking Before and After Photos

Dirty tile grout shows up in photographs and can totally destroy it. Clean the grout or replace if necessary, Realtors and owners love to see high-resolution photographs, but they must be prepared to understand the camera will pick up all the imperfections. This is why we highly recommend that the real estate brokers have us take before and after photographs of properties. It is imperative for property owners to see the reality of it all. Owners are often reluctant to make some investments to make their properties more sellable or rental friendly. Photographs can provide some objective insight as to what needs to be done.

How to be a great real estate agent

The value of a great real estate agent can often be underestimated. The great ones will provide their insight and experience with all aspects of preparing a property. It is our goal to be an extension of their promotional efforts to capture more listings and sales. There are lots of variables and moving parts that require a team effort. To be a great real estate agent, you need a team of great people behind you. In order to do this, be loyal to your team, as you would want a client to be loyal to you.

if you’re looking for a reliable team of people that bring more to the table than just publishing photographs and videos feel free to contact us. We will be there for you every step of the way.