Event Prior to Marblehead to Halifax Race 2023

Gathering in Marblehead for the Marblehead to Halifax Race July 7, 2023

In the late afternoon to early evening on July 7th, a special gathering took place at a beautiful historic home in Old Town Marblehead. This event was held to honor and recognize the key individuals who contributed to the organization and sponsorship of the Marblehead to Halifax Race for 2023. The generous owner of this remarkable home graciously opened her doors and yard to all attendees.

Attending this event not only provided an opportunity to witness one of Marblehead's prominent properties firsthand, but also served as a thoughtful gesture. The owner kindly shared insights into the distinctive features and amenities of the home. The backyard was adorned with meticulously maintained flowers, shrubs, and a well-manicured lawn, creating a delightful space that was previously unknown to many passersby.

The event featured an abundance of drinks and food, served in an elegant manner. Representatives from The Boston Yacht Club and the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron were present, dressed in their official whites. The Marblehead to Halifax Race requires extensive planning, preparation, and attention to detail, and it is thanks to the dedication of these individuals that such an event can be successfully executed.

Marblehead is fortunate to have such passionate individuals who generously contribute their time, energy, and focus to events like these. The entire town should express gratitude, as it is through such occasions that the personality and spirit of Marblehead are truly defined.