Fun With Photoshop

Exploring the Imagination

One of the questions I continue to ask myself is “What in the world are people going to do with the thousands and thousands of photographs they are always taking with their phones?” There seems to be an addiction to pull out cell phones, no matter where or when, and start clicking away. I have to believe 99.9% of the photographs people take they will only look at once. It’s ridiculous… until I receive frequent photographs of my grandchildren!

The photographs and videos I receive keep me connected. Otherwise, my grandchildren would change and grow without me even having a clue. When I was kid, my grandparents always said, like most grandparents, ”My you’ve grown”. They did not have the luxury of receiving updated photographs on a regular basis.

Toys have always been a big part of kids lives. You never know which toys are of true interest to kids. There are so many things to consider. What I happen to know about my grandson is he loves watching trash trucks and playing at the park.

This is when I thought I could use the application photoshop to be creative. The first photograph is two photos I took. I was visiting the Mud Puddle Toy Store in Marblehead, MA and took the photograph of a plastic toy boat which I believe is for the bathtub. I thought about him taking a bath and may be thinking about driving the little boat. So, I took the two photographs to create this one.

Nearly every trash collection day, my grandson stands at his bedroom window to watch a huge trash truck . I wondered if he ever thought about driving it. I decided to take a photograph of a trash truck and insert him in the driver’s seat.

When I’m lucky enough to visit, we spend time at a local park. It has been fun to watch him grow and be able to go down the slides by himself. He also enjoys being on the swings. Always wants to be pushed higher and higher. Sometimes, we bring a ball and play catch or kick it back and forth. At times, it seems he is all over the park running around never getting tired. I took several photographs of him throughout one of our adventures. Thought it would be fun to combine them into one photograph.

Now every time I witness people taking thousands of photographs, I have to stop and remind myself how lucky I’m to receive countless photographs of my grandchildren.

What photoshop can also do is totally alter a person’s profile as you can see below. The only thing is you have to be careful they must have a sense of humor.

Below is an example of combining a photograph of the 70 foot long pool at La Danse des Etoiles on the island of St. Barts with a photograph of the owners hard bottom boat. It is one of the largest pools on the island. To get this huge promotional feature across we thought it would help engaged the viewers.