Rockport, MA - The most painted building in America
Motif Rockport, MA
In 1840 a fishing shack was built in Rockport, MA. The original one was destroyed during the Blizzard of 1978. In the same year, this replica was built. It has been referred to as “the most often painted building in America.” Painters loved it because of the way the natural light struck it obviously because of how it represents the historical spirit of this seaport town.
A painter by the name Lester Hornby is believed to be the first to refer to it as Motif. In 1930 John Buckley used the shack as his painting studio. He sold it to the Town of Rockport in 1945.
Every city or town has its own brand and personality. Before people will consider moving there or starting any type of business there must be an emotional connection. Points of interest, such as the Motif, provide an important opportunity to make a connection.
At Generating Media we encourage Real Estate Agents to set the stage of not just selling a property, but promoting and displaying the benefits, features, and spirit of a community. We can provide this type of stimulating content by taking interior, exterior, and aerial photographs and videos. Sharing the story of a community will help build the confidence that is required in the real estate market place.