Seven Photographs in One Second


Publishing sports photography brings about a series of challenges. Generating Media publishes both photographs and videos for all sports. Outdoor sports and indoor sports require different settings because of the lighting. In addition how close you position the camera, the angle, and if the goal is to focus on an individual or the entire team.

Being at the right spot at the right time with the right lens and the right settings can at times be pure luck. To increase the odds Generating Media has a family of various camera lenses to put us in the best position to get the effect that captures something special.

The above 7 photographs of this lacrosse player were all taken in one second. Because it is difficult to anticipate something great happening or to capture something special the camera setting was set to take this quick series of photographs. Players and coaches can also review a series of photographs and learn from them how best to improve the player’s approach and skills.

In addition, we publish videos of entire events or can focus just on one particular participant. The video can be filmed at a very high film rate so if the player or coach would like to see it at a slower speed to capture the process in greater detail that is an option.

No matter what the sport reviewing a high-resolution video provides a wonderful tool for the players and coaches to improve their game.

Do you want a professional photo/video of a sporting event? Contact us!