Posts tagged Robin Samora
Massachusetts Express Grant Program

Massachusetts has a powerful Express Grant Program available for small to medium size businesses. These are very challenging times and the communities throughout Massachusetts depend on these businesses to be successful as they shape the spirit, personality, and financial well being. The businesses always have the best intentions, but can always use some additional support to help them navigate through the never ending market place.

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Express Grant Program

Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room of Lynn, MA is a fabulous success story of how the owner took full advantage of the Express Grant Program, which was put together by the Massacusetts Commonwealth. Like most small businesses everywhere they’re a struggling to stay afloat. The challenges they face with inventory, staff problems, and the strangling effects of the internet, it was often suffocating to try to find a cost effective strategy.

Robin Samora provide the marketing plan, the support, the guidance, and the discipline to keep Lucille Wine Shop and Tasting Room focused. The end result was positive including this well designed grant program came at no cost to Lucille Wine Shop.

For detailed information contact:

Robin Samora

Marketing & PR Expert


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Massachusetts Commonwealth Awards $3.5 Million in Express Grants

Massachusetts Commonwealth awards $3.5 million Express Grants. These grants come in the form of business classes be provided that are 100% reimbursed to those that qualify. Small to medium size businesses continue to struggle with all the challenges they face. The Massachusetts government realizes that they need to take pro-active measures to assist businesses because they represent the core economic health the communities.

Marketing plays a critical factor in the success of a business. It is imperative that a business understand their options. Once there is a better understanding they can then make informed cost effective decisions. The marketing component of the classes is being taught by Robin Samora. She has been working with numerous businesses to develop their customized marketing strategy and platform based on their individual needs and budgets.

You’re encouraged to explore this opportunity. You will not be disappointed.

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