Abbot Hall Marblehead, MA

Visitors to Marblehead often talk about the crazy streets in Marblehead that are narrow, twisted, winding, and it being nearly impossible to figure out how to get from one place to another. However, no matter where you might find yourself in Old Town, you can surely look up and see a towering brick building known as Abbot Hall.

In 1872, Benjamin Abbot gave the town of Marblehead $103,000 upon his death. It took the town three years to come to a decision as to what to do with the money. In May 1875 at a Town Meeting, it was voted to build a public building using brick. Requirements included to build a hall that could seat a minimum of 1,200 people, public library, reading room, fire proof vault for storage, and room for town officers. It was built at 188 Washington Street.

In December of 1875 the town voted to use $75,000 to erect the building. Some interesting facts about the building include:

  1. Designed by Lord and Fuller architectural firm

  2. Construction began spring 1876 and completed 1877

  3. First floor includes a Maritime Museum

  4. Selectmen’s room contains the the “Spirit of 76” painting

  5. First floor has a Gift Shop

  6. James J. H. Gregory donated the bell and clock for the tower.

This beautiful building helps define the personality and spirt of Marblehead. Over the past few years the exterior has gone through a major transformation and is now restored to its original beauty. Walking through Old Town, it is a building worth taking a good hard look at and explore the inside that is filled with lots of historical items. Often when I walk through town or out on the water, I will find myself taking photographs that include this majestic building as it reaches for the sky.