Practical & Safe Use of a Drone

For over a decade, we have been flying drones to support our services for a variety of applications. We started by using the drone to photograph and video properties around the globe that we represent. Our standard photographs and videos could not capture the full features of a property. Our drones could fly above the properties and provide vantage points and angles that had never before been available.

There are countless applications where a drone makes complete sense to consider. A great example is checking the condition of roofs. Below are a series of photographs of the roof shingles that were only 12 years old under a 35 year warranty.

From the ground level, it was obvious the shingles were having issues. The choice was to either get on a ladder or hire an outside source to do an inspection. The easier, safer, and powerful solution was to fly one of our drones up and start taking photographs. As the photographs clearly show, the roof shingles had deteriorated far sooner than the 35 year warranty. The photographs were sent to the manufacturer to file a claim. A hard lesson learned was the warranty was far misleading. The manufacture only covers the cost of the shingles, but does not provide replacement value rather only the depreciated value. The warranty also does not cover the labor cost to remove the old shingles or put the new ones on. Highly recommend to read the warranty supplied by the manufacture. We believe the manufactures mislead property owners by using the warranty as a big sales pitch when in reality it is covers far less than most would expect.

We highly recommend for home owners to consider having us do an aerial inspection of their roofs. This even goes for people looking to purchase a home to have photographs taken to establish the overall condition before they purchase. Having roof shingles replaced is extremely expensive. Much better to replace them before conditions get too bad to cause damage. You can also see if the gutters are clean as well as the condition of a chimney.

Homes are costly to maintain. Our drone photographs can get right up close to isolate specific sections to look for problems. Plus after the work is completed to replace the shingles, it would be wise to photograph the work to properly insure the work was completed to your satisfaction.

Any questions please give us a call at 617.899.9812