Emotions of All Kinds


Emotions of All Kinds

At Generating Media our goal is to produce relevant captivating photographs and videos that stimulate people’s emotions in a good way. At times when we ask the property owner or real estate agent if the property is photo-ready, we’re often told it will be “good-to-go”. Oh, wouldn’t that be nice if that was the case all the time? We can honestly say, the expressions of emotions we have felt more times than we would like to remember are expressed above.

We live in a world of visual stimulation. Owners can really help themselves by taking a hard look at how their property looks. One of the best steps they can take is to have photographs taken before they make any changes. This way the necessary improvements would be more than obvious. It is amazing what photographs point out things you don’t see every day.

Potential renters and buyers don’t usually make decisions on purely economics or rational thinking. Instead, they’re based on how they perceive and process information. At Generating Media we look to publish photographs and videos that provide surprising content.

Creating a Real Estate Agent Portfolio

If you’re a real estate agent, we suggest you take before and after photos. This will provide you with a portfolio to show potential selling clients what you can do with their home as far as staging and prepping. Within that portfolio, you can also show previous photography and videography you have done. If you need assistance in creating a digital portfolio of your work, we are here to help! Fill out the contact form below to get started!