Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce Supports the Express Grant Program

Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce Plays Active Role in Supporting Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room

Everywhere you go these days small to medium size companies are struggling to find ways to stay in business. They’re facing enormous challenges with inflation, staffing, taxes, inventory shortages, and of course, the on-going grasp of the internet.

Cities and towns realize that the spirit, personality, and financial well being of their communities depend greatly on the success of the small to medium size businesses. They try to use slogans like “shop local” to encourage people to spend their dollars within their communities. Although it does make an attempt to increase awareness, it is simply not enough.

The Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce along with the Economic Development Team decided to educate their community that there was an Express Grant Program available to help the small to medium size businesses. This included a marketing program that provides the tools and platform to assist them with creating a customized marketing program designed to work within their budget.

Marketing can be extremely expensive, but there are a number of ways to market on a tight budget. The Express Grant Program was designed to be a support structure to educate how to make smart and effective marketing decisions.

Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room is an excellent success story of how a small business in Lynn worked with the Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce and the Express Grant Program.

Special thanks to Colin Codner, Executive Director, Corie Currier, and Christine Neals of the Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce for helping to set the stage for Lucille Wine Shop & Tasting Room to be a wonderful addition to the community of Lynn. We can only hope there will be additional business that will take advantage of the Express Grant Program.