Lynnfield High School Class of 1973

Lynnfield High School Class of 1973 Celebrating 50th

Back in the 1960’s, it was pretty special to have the class photographs taken. I happened to find a few photographs from my younger days growing up in a small New England town called Lynnfield located in Massachusetts. Kids growing up today with their cell phones will have thousands and thousands of photographs by comparison.

One of the things that never seems to change is at the time our photographs are taken, we generally think we look ok, but later on in life we look at ourselves and say …”What was I thinking to wear those clothes or have that hair style?” Looking back, I do not recall the brand of clothes played such an important part of the selection process. It was not until later on in the late 1960’s to early 1970’s do I remember being so aware of clothing brands. Companies today spend millions of dollars to get celebrities to endorse their products. Then kids are hit day and night with product advertising. I believe it has really gotten out of hand because kids of all ages place so much importance on the type of clothing brands they want to wear. This puts tremendous pressure on the kids and their parents. Not so sure I would want to be growing up as a child in this current time period.

It is always fun to think back of those wonderful years of just being kids. We did not worry about gun shootings, kidnapping, or any of the social platform challenges as they exist today. Things were simple. These old photographs are a reminder of the “good old days”.

Here is 50 years later after graduating from Lynnfield High School. Life has taken everyone down a different road. We’ve all had some adventures in life we could have never imagined. I can not help myself, but say time goes by far too fast. It still is a shock that 50 years went by so quickly.

Kindergarten @ Center Church in Lynnfield, MA. 1960-1961

Second Grade at Center School in Lynnfield, MA 1962-1963

Third Grade at Center School in Lynnfield, MA. 1963-1964

Fourth Grade at Summer Street School in Lynnfield, MA. 1964-1965

Fifth Grade at Summer Street School in Lynnfield, MA. 1965-1966 (I was absent that day)

Sixth Grade at Summer Street School in Lynnfield, MA. 1966-1967

Just a few photographs that never made it to the yearbook.

Interested if anyone can identify what all the students from 1972 have in common?

Peter Oakes, our former French teacher, still till this day is a close friend. One of my favorite people on the planet. I was not one of his “best students”, but he has taught me so much more over the years. It has been a joy to ski with him in his current home state of Colorado.

My family continues to remind me I never out grew my fashion statement!

Hope you enjoyed some of these old class photographs. My family moved to 4 Lovell Road in Lynnfield, MA in 1956. It was a great neighborhood filled with some wonderful friends and families. Our days were filled with playing kickball, touch football, basketball, hide & seek, building forts in the apple orchards behind our houses, riding bikes, and walking to school. We were brought up by the “village” of the neighborhood.

Bob Brown….Class of 1973

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