Life Lessons from Learning to Sail

Learning to Sail

Growing up I was subjected to sailing as simply part of my life. I was never given the option if I wanted to go, we just went sailing nearly every weekend. Thinking back, I did not realize at the time, I had become aware of the elements over which I had no control. The wind would come from one direction and could turn on a dime. It would even get more complicated as the wind could blow or die down to a stand still. Then add the currents and changing of the tide and man a lot could happen.

I quickly learned to keep one hand on the tiller and the other on the mainsheet. Sometimes, I just sat there watching and waiting for the changes. Other times, I had to hikeout to keep the boat from healing too much and let the mainsheet out. My lessons included to be prepared for the unexpected in order to prevent a panic or serious misadventure. Over time, I was able to develop a feel for sailing so I was not reacting, but rather anticipating. My eyes learned to scan the horizon and look for wind shifts or storms. It became second nature and I did not even need to remind myself.

The lessons I learned from sailing have helped me to deal with life. There are so many things I can not control in my life just like the wind, tides, and currents. To learn to sail is very much like learning to navigate your way through life.

I’m grateful that I was brought up in the world of sailing, but I do regret I was unable to pass my love for sailing on to my sons. They both were exposed to sailing at a variety of levels, but never to the point where they were totally engaged. Not sure why sailing pulled me in, while my sons interests went in other directions. I guess it must be instinctively just how we’re wired.

When given the opportunity to photograph or video a sailboat race, I can observe and anticipate things before they happen. This allows me to position myself in the best angle to get high quality shots and footage. I have had some fun taking photos and videos of the Marblehead Frostbiting, Jackson Cup Regatta, Marblehead Race Week, Marblehead Weds. Evening Series, Etchells New England Championship, Star Boats World Cup, and Beetle Cat Regatta. If you have a regatta you would like photographed or include video, please let me know.