Pet Photographs

My first dog.

As a parent of two boys, I made thousands of mistakes, which all parents will surely admit. One mistake I wish I did not make was never getting a dog. Having grown up without pets of any kind, never mind a dog, I did not understand the value a dog could bring to my life. Many of our neighbors growing up had dogs. In those days, dogs ran free and the leash law did not exist, nor the chore of carrying around a plastic poop bag.

There was one dog we all loved in the neighborhood. She was part husky , if I remember correctly. We played street hockey and she would always chase the tennis ball and bring it back if our shots were wide of the net. She loved hanging out with us. Strangely enough, I never knew who owners were or where they lived. Out of the blue, she would just show up when we were playing. She just fit right in. So, I guess in some way, I had a dog.

The next dog I got to know was a wonderful cocker spaniel named Rebel. During my junior and high school days, I worked mowing lawns. I actually used a 48 inch, 12 horsepower, sit down tractor. Whenever Rebel heard me coming, he would join me at the yard I was cutting. Once I finished, he would follow me to the next yard. Trouble Is, when I finished, he kept following me home. I can’t tell you how many times I ended bringing him to his home. He was a beautiful friendly dog.

In both of these situations, I had the luxury of just enjoying the dogs, without the responsibility. There was still and emotional connection. When I was a parent, I simply made the mistake of not realizing the value a dog can bring to my family.

It took me until I was about 60 years old to fully appreciate having a dog. Below are a series of photographs of my first and current dog named Cali. She came from a rescue shelter in Texas. Apparently a family gave her up for some reason. She was in the shelter for about three months without anyone willing to adopt her. The only thing I could think is maybe in Texas they prefer large dogs.

It was a transition getting to know Cali, what to feed her, taking her for walks, and getting into some routines. She was extremely hesitant to be touched by anyone and kept her distance. Over time, she has become more trusting of others, but not if she does not recognize the individual. It is rare for her to have any interest in other dogs. She prefers to walk, run, and mostly sniff. One of her favorite places to go is the beach, not that she likes going in the water. Her enjoyment comes from running around in the sand and doing circles. When she over heats, she heads for a shallow tidal pool.

Our days consist of morning, midday, and late afternoon walks. At least during one of her walks, I try to have her off leash so she can run and sniff. She will run in front of me and continuously look back to check. Sometimes, I hide behind a tree and she will come running back to look for me. Overall, I could not ask for a better dog. She is very well behaved and likes some affection, but not needy. The funny thing is, over the years, she has developed her daily routines. She seems happiest when I stick to her routine. The other amazing thing is she seems to understand a large number of words, far more than I ever expected.

It is so much fun to take her photograph. It is almost like she poses for the camera. I must say she is quite photogenic! My sons were a little upset that I finally got a dog. They kept telling that they wanted a dog growing up and I never got one. They thought they were so clever and had a custom blanket made with her photograph on it. Funny thing is, it is one of my favorite gifts ever.

In the event you’ve a pet and would like us to take a series of photographs or videos, reach out and we will be glad to help. I now fully appreciate and understand how a pet is part of the family. With so many dogs that need to be rescued, don’t wait so long like I did. The unconditional love a rescue dog provides will warm your heart. Plus get you off your butt and go for walks. I laugh because so many of my neighbors know Cali, but have no idea what MY name is!