Manchester By the Sea - "Have's & the Have Yachts"

Manchester by the Sea - “Have’s & the Have Yachts”

We believe we read this expression in some publication, may be the New York Times. Don’t quite remember exactly, but it came to mind as we were exploring Manchester Harbor in Manchester By the Sea, MA.

To really fully appreciate this small seaport town it must be seen by boat. The harbor is extremely narrow, but filled with hundreds of different types of boats. It’s not like the harbor of Gustavia in St. Barts, where we have seen the mega yachts congregated along the docks, but based on the limitations of the harbors width and depth, Manchester harbor certainly has more than its share of high end boats.

As you cruise through the harbor not only will you see beautiful boats, but fabulous waterfront homes hugging the shore line or up on the cliffs. The bonus is when you find a beautiful boat tied up to a personal dock of an outrageous property.

Scattered throughout the harbor, you will find a variety of sailboats and power boats at their moorings. All sitting there with no place to go. This made us wonder where are the owners of these boats? Why are they not out on the water enjoying one of the few days left in the boating season? This is one thing we will never quite understand. There are so many beautiful boats that people very rarely use. We think it must be difficult to justify owning one when you think of the upfront cost, yearly maintenance fees, mooring fees, marina slip fees, fuel costs, and winter storage. That being said, we have to believe most owners do not really take these costs into consideration, which is why Manchester By the Sea is by far one of New England’s true towns that includes the “Have’s and the Have Yachts”.