Video Production Options

No matter what the product or service you offer, if you’re looking to improve SEO, conversion rates, and sales, we encourage you to add the video component to your marketing plan. Videos are very versatile tools for sales and marketing. Not only do videos increase engagement, but also improve backend analytics. They help to educate and build trust with your target audience.

Options are endless: knowledge-based videos, meet the team videos, support, customer stories, promotional, trade show, short videos to show brand’s personality, leadership videos to show leaders are sources for industry news and insights, in-depth product demos, personalized videos that explain how your product or service works and are different than similar in the market place, pre-rolls, live videos, personalized messages that display a creative way to have a continued conversation, and brand videos that share values and mission.

Video Hosting Platforms

It is important to recognize and establish where you will host the videos based on where your target audience is watching.

  • Youtube - largest video hosting platform, second largest search platform, and the most visited website

  • Vimeo - second largest video hosting platform

  • Vidyard - online video platform for business.

Video Marketing for Social Media








Video Marketing Distribution

Website - adding relevant videos to your website can bring a boost in traffic.  Offers an opportunity to educate potential customers about your products.

Blog - teach readers something new.  Improves website traffic because of influence on SEO

Email - makes excellent add-ons for prospect emails

Defining Your Goals and Video Analytics

Pick out one or two goals for each video

Understand video analytics will help define and measure success:

  1. View count - number of times users have seen your video

  2. Play Rate - percentage of people who played your video divided by the number of impressions it received

  3. Social Sharing and Comments - social shares and comments are good indicators of how relevant your content is to your target audience. Social shares are a great metric to track

  4. Video Completions - number of times users play your video in its entirety. This metric is more reliable than view count when trying to gauge your video’s success

  5. Completion Rate - number of people who completed your video divided by the number of people who played it. Great way to gauge a viewer’s reaction to your video. Are people dropping off at a certain point?

  6. Click-Through Rate - number of times users click your call-to-action divided by the number of times it’s viewed. Great indicator of how effective your video is at encouraging people to take your desired action

  7. Conversion Rate - number of times visitors completed your desired action divided by the number of clicks.

  8. Bounce Rate and Time-on-Page - want to measure before and after videos are added

Measuring performance on each platform and channel provides valuable information.  Helps to decide whether a video is the right content type for your audience.  Need to measure views over time to determine the lifespan of the videos.  Keep track and comparing engagement helps find topics that encourage the most sharing and have a better life time value. Below is a list of the various platforms to consider. The question that needs to be discussed ”Which platform(s) is your target audience using?”

At Generating Media our goal is to publish customized videos that are simply an extension of your marketing efforts and within your budget. Encourage you to contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Generating Media 617.899.9812

Below is a short video clip of a number of video applications published by Generating Media