Video to Support Your Message

We have to believe that most drivers today are driving far faster and reckless than ever before. Cars today are built that can go extremely fast and accelerate very quickly. In a matter of seconds can be traveling at excessive speeds. The cars are built so well in terms of absorbing the bumps and providing a quiet ride, most drivers really have no idea just how fast they’re going.

To put things in perspective, a car traveling just 30 mph covers 44 feet in a second and 60 mph 88 feet per second. In one second a lot can happen. With the distractions of being on the phone, drinking coffee, eating food, or even putting on make-up, there is little time to react.

Congested streets where you would think drivers would have the courtesy to slow down to 25 mph is far from the reality of it all. It appears that drivers are to impatient to even consider slowing down. It is far more the rule to see cars traveling 35-45 mph down congested streets.

Now the highways are a totally different story. Speed limits are posted at 55 mph or even 65 mph. If you travel at anything less than 70 mph you better move over in get in the far right lane. If you don’t, you will have a car riding up your butt. It has really gotten out of hand with the excessive speeding. With everyone complaining about the price of gas, it might be a wise decision to slow down as the gas mileage will improve.

Below is a video we published that helps to get our point across. The text above is far less engaging than watching the video. If you have a message you want to get across we would be happy to help by publishing a video that would be support your voice.