Falling From the Sky

Is Your Business Really All Set?

While attending University of Vermont, I took an unnecessary risk. However, my good friend Bruce, without hesitation, thought it would be lots of fun to drive from Burlington, VT to Malone, New York to take our first parachute jump. One of my favorite things about Bruce is he has always had a great “spirit of adventure”. Yes, we were young college students with little or any fears, but the lessons we both learned is life can be so much more enjoyable if you’re willing to take risks rather than just sitting around waiting for things to happen.

That thrilling day will always be in my memory bank and remain a special connection with Bruce. I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with him as he has always helped me to continue to have a thirst for life.

Over and over again, I continue to come across a business or individual that continue to hold back. They to take the same course of action and expect different results. They simply can not get out of their own way.

At Generating Media, we make it our goal to build customized solutions for a business to build a cost effective marketing program that is far from traditional. Yet so many business continue to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on their “same old” marketing programs. Mainly because that is what they’ve always done. They’re afraid to take a risk to explore additional options. Can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard the expression…”We’re all set.” What they should really be asking themselves is “Set for what?”

If you’re a business that is looking for a team of creative individuals that can push you out of your comfort zone in an effort to help you get the results you’re looking for ….please let us know. Don’t worry …we won’t push you out of a plane.

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