Posts in Vacation Rental
Using a drone to see your company from a new perspective

The greatest danger facing companies is not rejection, but indifference. We all need to understand and expect rejection is part of the business process. However, being indifferent is by far a greater problem. Companies convince themselves that they just need to tighten up their spending and things will be all right. They continue to spend money on the same old things over and over.

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"Selling New York" Richard Steinberg in St. Barts

A quick meeting in New York City with HGTV and Richard Steinberg, who is the “Star” of Selling New York, it was given the green light. The outline was to basically have Richard fly down to St. Barts with a potential buyer to inspect three properties. The show was filmed and ran seven different times.

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Indoor Outdoor Living

The team at Generating Media wanted to make sure this feature was clear and complemented the description of the property. As the photograph shows the living area to the left and outdoor deck to the right. The glass doors all fold up and slide into the walls to actually provide a true indoor-outdoor living.

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